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with Half Size Me

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Talking to my ADULT daughter about her health/weight

A while back, your staff referred me AMA Episode 15 to address the following question, but it really didn't give me the information I was seeking. Because I've been a long time listener and subscriber, and because HSM has helped me so much over the years, I'd like to try again. Here's my question: ------------------------- Hello Heather ... My adult daughter, age 25, is quite overweight. She was an average weight child and teen, but the pounds started piling on as soon as she left the house. Her eating habits are horrendous. I am 100% sure I modeled healthy eating while she was growing up. Was I perfect? Of course not. But nothing like this. Her boyfriend is stick-thin, and his eating habits are also terrible. So I guess it's easy to see how and why this is happening. Of course I think my daughter is beautiful at any weight. But her birth-mother recently died of complications from diabetes. So I fear for her health. My daughter knows what healthy eating looks like. And she does try - sporadically. But I don't think she understands the importance of sustainable habits. I may have modeled healthy eating as she was growing up, but I never taught her how to do it herself. I'VE always done the planning -- the shopping -- the cooking. Apparently, modeling alone was only half the task. Thanks to you and HSM, I have a self-created strategy that has been working for me for several years. I'd like to point my daughter in your direction - such as the Half Size Me Academy and/or any of your videos. We have a wonderful mother-daughter relationship, but I've never dared to broach this on-so-delicate topic. What to say? I don't want my words to backfire! I would be so grateful if you could provide some tips or suggestions. Yes, I know nothing I say or do will be effective unless SHE wants to address her weight. But is there ANYTHING I can do to advocate for her present and future health??? Is my only option to sit back, say nothing, and hope for the best? Thank you Heather for all you do. In this age of misinformation and disinformation, you are a beacon of light. PS: PLEASE do not use my name on the podcast


Hi Heather. I love your podcast . I'd like to know if you have any recommendation for a program to stop binging. I've listened to some of your episodes where you interview Kathryn Hansen. My binges occur every 6-8 weeks so I'm not sure if I should go that path or if you would recommend anything else. I'm 44yo, I've lost a considerable amount of weight but after 2 years of consistent improvements I've turned to binging. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

To GLP-1 or not to GLP-1… that is the question 🤓

Hi Heather! I have followed you for several years and have recommended your podcast to so many people! You literally are making a huge difference! I have a question that I really need help on. I have about 20 pounds that really keep me from enjoying my clothes and always keep me constantly thinking about what I’m doing wrong, what I should be doing better… It’s a struggle all day long with the thoughts in my head. I’m really considering starting one of the GLP-1 meds… but I wanted to talk to you first. I know with starting weight loss medication that the minute you get off you’re probably going to gain the weight back because you haven’t learned to change your habits. At the same time , I’m not learning how to change my habits now because I can’t seem to stay in a calorie deficit for more than just a couple of days. I don’t want to be on medication and I really do just want to have a lifestyle where I can be healthy and make good choices but I can’t seem to get my brain on board. What are your thoughts on this? Would coaching help someone like me to get off these 20 pounds? I asked myself if this kind of weight loss would change my life and yes, I do believe it would. I believe that I would be able to exercise the way I want easier. I believe I would be able to wear some of the clothes that I absolutely love that I’ve kept just because I love them so much and I feel like I would be a lot more confident in myself and my career path. I know 20 pounds does not compare to losing 100 pounds does, but it definitely would make a difference for me personally. I would appreciate any help you would recommend with this. Thank you so much! Julie.

Calories vs macros

Hi Heather, I am 60 years old, short at 5'2", have 25 lbs to lose and have been trying to lose weight all year. I was maintaining on 1400 calories so I dropped to 1200 calories about 6 months ago but am still maintaining. I have tried switching to healthier food options, and also tried increasing my exercise level but still no results. I have been to the doctor and ruled out anything medical. I don't feel I can drop my calorie level anymore and still have the energy to get through my busy days. A friend told me I should try counting macros instead of just calories. I tend to get 70-80 gms of protein in per day, eat very lowfat but I do eat high carbs. She said I should stay at 1200 calories, but lower my carbs, increase to 120 gms of protein and also increase my fats a small amount as well. My question is, do you think that sometimes it's not the calorie level that needs to change, but the macros? Could I possibly lose on 1200 calories if my macros changed? Thanks, MJ


Shifting to a protein forward diet has been groundbreaking in my weight loss journey this time around (47 yrs old). I am not a huge meat eater and don't like eggs, and have been relying on turkey sausage, cottage cheese, ground turkey, and chicken breast for protein. However, I struggle to get over 70grams without also adding a protein drink or bar to the day. Is there anything I am overlooking to add more protein by using a whole food, rather than a protein bar/drink? How many grams of protein should come from whole foods over shakes/bars/powders? Thank you!

Started weight loss med and would like extra help

Hi Heather, thank you for all you do! Due to some big health issues I’ve started Zepbound (the weight loss version of Mounjaro). I had already been losing about a half a pound a week on my own, but the meds are pushing things a long a little faster. I see the biggest challenges are people losing muscle mass and not making lifestyle changes as reasons why the medication may not help them lose as much weight or they regain it all. I am ok with starting this medicine since my heath issues are a big concern for me. I am following along with my PPJ and trying to eat at maintenance. Should I add in some basic beginner strength training so I don’t lose a lot of muscle in this process? What would you recommend I do to continue growing my new habits? I am also working through the academy weight management plan and the mindset videos. Both are helping immensely. I really don’t want to be on this medication forever or even go up on my dosage when I can continue to make small changes in my habit and mindset that will help me get to my health goals in a sustainable way. Thanks for your help!

Starting to take a deficit

Hi Heather! First of all, I've got to tell you that yours is my all-time favourite podcast. I love it! Your experience is huge and your insights into human nature are always beyond impressive. I marvel at the way you manage to help each and every caller navigate their way through their unique problems. I'm also impressed with the way you keep your eyes on your own star and do your own thing, which is, of course, what you tell each of us to do. You walk the walk, never getting caught up in what everyone else is doing in social media. In this world that is so impressive. Kudos, my friend! Anyway, now that I've gushed, (LOL!), I want to ask you about starting to take a deficit. In the last few years, I've lost about 16 pounds and maintained that loss for a year or so. I still have 5 lbs to go to get to the lower end of the weight range I want. I'm 61 and have arthritis as a result of Lyme Disease. Keeping my weight down really helps me manage hip and leg pain. Despite listening to your excellent advice and knowing I ought to just cut out extra butter on my bread and stop having a couple of cookies everyday, I'm not making the changes to move from maintenance to losing again. The thing is, part of me is perfectly happy with the weight I am. My clothes are snug but not tight, and I am very physically active, maintaining a large vegetable garden and playing with my grandkids. But at the end of the day when my knees are aching I think about the last five pounds and knock myself about a bit mentally for not making more effort. How do I switch my brain to losing mode again? And more importantly, how do I stick to that mindset longterm. Thanks, again, for all you do, from a lifelong fan, Hettie

Managing my bhesviors

Hi Heather, my question is what behavior change helps with snacking. I have set some food boundaries for myself such as not eating pass 10pm, but then I find myself craving the treat even more. I’m finding that I have delineated snacks and treats and so now I’m avoiding my snacks altogether and only eating treats. I find that snacks vs treats are something that has recently popped up. I only ever really want treats, and I don’t know why I’m having a hard time with snacks. My calorie surplus is mostly within my treat category and I find even if I have them earlier in the day I still want them at night or if I wait too long I get ravenous. I added a second lunch to help stave off hunger and I don’t know if I should count that as a meal or a snack. Should I consider placing snacks and treats at the same time? How do I manage this tricky behavior. I don’t always binge either. It will just be one Reese’s, and then one KitKat and then two-three hours later some crackers and cheese. My eating starts at around 7am and ends around 8pm. So breakfast at 7am lunch at 11:30am second lunch at 3pm and then dinner whenever I get home which most nights is like 730-8? So it’s the in between time from 3-7pm. That I notice the problematic behavior and oftentimes 8-10pm. Thanks :)

I am really struggling with weight gain.

I am really struggling. I Find it very difficult to track. I will do a day or two and then stop. I get overwhelmed and feel like I have no time. I have it on my calendar in the morning to plan my day and I just ignore it. I also have it on my calendar at the end of the day to review my journal. I have been stuck on the Weight management plan in the academy because I have not been able to do PPJ for 2 weeks. My wieight keeps going up and every day I feel like I have no control over what I am eating. I mostly struggle in the evenings and would love to kick this habit of impulsive eating. I am so afraid to be unhealthy and have issues as I age (as my parents have done). My genetics are awful and everyone in my family are severely overweight. This consumes me everyday, yet somehow I still don't follow through on journaling and habit change. Ihave no confidence anymore. I am sure you have dealth with others who have experienced this, do you have any methods to stop this spiraling?

I'm curious Karolina you've had two updates on her progress recently you spoke about having a refresher course with Sarah any future episodes coming up in Carolina I love to know her progress as of today

Why are goals hardest to achieve when you’re 95% done?

Hi Heather, I feel like I always message you when I am in a ‘deficit fatigue,’ and just the act of reaching out provides some relief. I’ve been a weight-cycler for my entire adult life and finally got ahold of it in 2022 when I found your podcast and embraced maitenance breaks. I started this recent journey in 2022 at 205 pounds and hit my goal of 165 in November 2023. From there, I bounced up a little and have been maintaining between 167-172. In June I decided I wanted to take the next 2 years to lose the last 20 pounds. I set a reasonable goal to lose 5 pounds from June-August. My new starting weight was 170.2. Right now I am 2 months into my summer goal and 165.5. I can feel myself wanting to throw in the towel and super binge-y. The cravings and lower brain chatter have been SO intense. I have been here before, and 165 is a ‘sticky’ weight with a huge story around it. I do plan to go to weekly weigh ins and stick to my habits as a coping tool. Even though I’ve been in this ‘almost there’ position so many times, that urge to give up at 95% of the way is indescribably strong. Did you ever feel this way? What did you do to break through to the other side? Thank you for all you do. You’re saving lives. I know you helped save mine. Bonnie

Food freedom

Hi Heather!! Absolutely love your content and your heart for helping - thank you! My question is about “food freedom”. It sounds fabulous and almost is made to be the righteous path. Unfortunately after swearing off “dieting” and giving up tracking food etc my weight crept up 20lbs and left me feeling awful. I have unfollowed all of the food freedom people, although I do think some of their perspectives are good - such as paying attention to hunger and fullness, not having good or bad foods, etc. I’m approaching my weight loss journey with blinders on and staying focused on what works for me. Tracking and meal planning are non negotiable. Can you share thoughts on food freedom and intuitive eating and how to think about them for weight loss success?

Hi Heather, like so many others I had an accident and couldn't exercise, which you haver said before that is a habit and it may not be there for weight loss and don't depend on it. I had been in maintenance for over a year and gave everything up when I couldn't get in my walking. I went back to binging and and gained in a short amount of time 25 pounds. I stopped weighing myself and had n clue it was that much. I am back on track and recognize am going to learn through this experience but I keep beating myself up. How do I move forward in a positive way and know there was a reason for this weight gain? Thanks for all you do!

Setting good example for teenage daughters

Hi Heather, I am 54 years old, 5'6" and weigh between 165 and 170. I am heavier now that I have been most of my life, and would like to lose about 5 or maybe 10 pounds, and I've listened to your podcast a lot and know how to do it. The trouble that I am having is that I have 3 healthy-weight daughters (ages 16, 19 and 22) and when they see me weighing or measuring my food, they accuse me of having an eating disorder. I REALLY do not want my daughters to develop unhealthy eating (as I did throughout my life) and if my weighing food is going to hurt their body images, I prioritize their mental health. This whole thought process discourages me from measuring any food in front of them, and hiding makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. So then I just guess on portion sizes. Any thoughts on how to not pass on unhealthy eating to teenage girls while also getting a few pounds off? Thank you!

Update- Sarah & Karolina

Hi, Can we get an update on Karolina & Sarah?

Struggling to get down to maintenance (keep gaining 1/2 lb a month)

Dear Coach Heather, I have been listening to the podcast for about 7-8 years, and tracking my food since 2017. I’ve been a podcast subscriber for about a year, and I joined the HSM community and started the Weight Management Plan in April. Over this time, I’ve gotten my habits under pretty strict control. My problem is that I seem to gain 1-2 lbs every year, no matter what I do, and it’s getting worse. When I started tracking, my average daily calories was around 1900, and I was gaining ~½ pound a year. Now it’s around 1750, and I’m gaining 3 lbs this year. In 2019, I weighed 152. Now I weigh 163. I’m short, and it’s all around my waist, so this means I’ve outgrown all my clothes. I never go down, only up. I signed up for the HSM weight management plan in April, and I’ve been using a PPJ. I’m Category D: “I am planning my meals and have treats and snacks planned. There are no highlights but my calories are very high.” PPJ definitely helps with unstructured days, but it’s not solving the problem yet. Summary of 2024: Month/Average Calories/Happy Scale Average on last day of month: Jan 1724 159.4 Feb 1700 160.4 March 1823 160.8 April 1789 161.7 May 1736 162.2 June (so far) 1699 162.6 (as of 6/15) Some observations: - I’ve never achieved maintenance yet in 2024 (or ever, really) - I gained about ½ a pound at 1823 cal, at 1736 cal, and at 1699 cal, and the last one was over only 2 weeks! - Using the PPJ definitely helps, especially with unstructured days. - It’s very hard for me to ever eat under 1550 calories. - When I go over maintenance, it's usually 1800-1900, and rarely over 2000. Every time I drop my calories, my weight still goes up. (I could give similar data for past years.) If my maintenance calories are 1650 (maybe?) and I can’t get much lower than 1550, then my ratio of days-under-maintenance to days-over-maintenance is really hard to manage. So my question is: how can I get lower than 1550, to make it easier to balance out the over-maintenance days? My habits: - I track everything religiously, good and bad, for years - I have a whey protein powder that I use 1-3x/day, to get my protein in the 80-100 range - I drink 1-2 glasses of metamucil a day, to make sure my fiber stays high. (I have other medical reasons to be doing that.) - I don’t really drink alcohol or ever binge. I’m starting to feel like there’s nothing left to change, and it’s so frustrating. How do I get under 1550? Some other bio details: - I’m 44, and my youngest child is 9, so I’m looking back over the past 7-8 years. - I’m not dealing with menopause because I had a hysterectomy, and I’m on hormone replacement therapy since then. - I go to an exercise class 3x/week, but that also hasn’t changed in a decade, and try to get out on the weekends and be active. My weight doesn’t fluctuate like other people’s weight seems to. It just goes slowly and steadily up. I know this means I’m eating over my maintenance calories, but each time I implement a habit change, nothing changes. If anything, my weight gain is accelerating. I would be happy getting back to the 150-159 range and maintaining there. But my weight seems to only ratchet one way. I am so frustrated. I have no idea what my blind spots could be. If I keep gaining 1-3 lbs per year, I’m going to outgrow my clothes every couple years! Please help. (Sorry this is so long - I’m trying to provide all information you might need.) Thank you for any help you’ve got, BR

Healthy living in relation to financial success

Hi Heather, You've mentioned that there are so many connections between living a healthy lifestyle and achieving financial success. I was wondering if you'd be willing to dive into these a little? I have achieved so much success with the HSM approach over the last 18 months and it has completely transformed my life. I want to take what I have learned from this journey and start working on habits related to finances, which is an area that I have also struggled with for most of my adult life. I have identified a few habits and behaviors that I think could carry over. These are all things that I am successfully doing in my health journey and I want to develop them in relation to finances as well: 1. Delayed gratificaiton (you've mentioned this before - I think you said something about waiting 24 hours before making a purchase?) 2. A daily check-in (similar to tracking my weight daily). It's a little embarrassing to say this, but I get super anxious every time I log in to my banking app. I think I need to start by at least checking my balance once a day to create an awareness. 3. Working on small, sustainable changes and letting go of black and white thinking. I always get so overwhelmed by the idea of budgeting because I feel like there are just too many variables. I think this is similar to the reason tracking food can feel overwhelming, but I'm not really sure what the small and sustainable action steps could look like for finances. 4. Scheduling time on my calendar that is set aside for budgeting and reviewing my spending. Is there anything you would add to this list (i.e. other connections I'm not seeing)? I know this isn't 100 percent related to HSM, but I'm really hoping you'd be willing to address this! Getting control of my health has felt so freeing and I want so badly to experience that same freedom with money. Thank you!

Deciphering My Data

Hi Heather - First, thank you for all the work you do and the helpful content you put out. I discovered your podcast in the Fall of 2023 (I so wish I had found you sooner) and have been rabidly consuming all of your past recordings since then. In fact, the first time I listened to one of your podcasts tears came to my eyes. I had never felt so understood in my life! I have struggled with weight and body image since I was as young as 6 years old, and on my first formal diet by 11 years old, like so many of your listeners and community members. I have made many, many trips up and down the scale in the last 30+ years, and I am hoping and striving to make this time the LAST time. I would love your advice on what I'm currently struggling with... I am very close to the goal I have set for myself of 146lbs. I am 5'10 and currently am unintentionally maintaining at around 150lbs. I wish I didn't care about the last 4lbs but I really do. It is a weight where I feel great and enjoy seeing myself in photos, and have reached it (and even lower) a couple of times in my adult life, so it's not some crazy HS weight that I'm striving to get back to :) That said, I don't want to sabotage all my progress by obsessing over a few pounds. I track religiously and my maintenance calories per the diet fix calculator are supposed to be around 1940. I only weigh weekly, so I know that Happy Scale might not be as helpful as if I weighed daily, but the following is a snapshot of my calories and weight moving average at then end of each of the last 5 months: January 2024: 1871 Avg Daily Calories, Moving Average: 149.9 February 2024: 1914 Avg Daily Calories, Moving Average 149.5 March 2024: 1894 Avg Daily Calories, Moving Average 148.8 April 2024: 1856 Avg Daily Calories, Moving Average 148.6 May 2024: 1854 Avg Daily Calories, Moving Average 149.8 So far, halfway through June, my Avg Daily Calories are 1771, and my Moving Average is 149.6. Based on the first three/four months of data, I was thinking that the diet fix calculator figure of 1940 was probably pretty spot on. Admittedly, I'm taking a VERY slight deficit, but really thought that keeping my calories under 1800 should produce a little more downward movement on the scale, but it feels like I'm stalling out. I'm basically in the same spot I was in back in January. Sure looks like maintenance to me. My activity has remained the same. I would really like to get your read on what this data all means. Does that mean my maintenance is more likely lower than 1940? Is it too soon to jump to conclusions? Should I go back up to around 1850 where it seemed like the scale was at least gently trending down? Should I take a maintenance break? I'm trying to resist the urge to drop my calories even further because your message of sustainability and long term maintenance HAS actually gotten through to my disordered brain! I would appreciate any insights or advice. Thanks again for all you do.

Paper Pen Journal

I was looking for a tutorial on how to fill the paper pen journal that has been talked about on the podcast. I went to the YouTube channel for a deep dive. However I am 3-4 videos in but nowhere do I see an example of what the page should look like. There are mentions of right side, left side, highlights and stars but I haven’t seen an actual journal. Is that demonstrated anywhere?

Weight creep

Hi Heather, Thanks for all you do! I have been a long time listener. For several years I did a good job maintaining around 150-160 before my second child came along and since 2021 I noticed my weight creep up about 10-15 lbs. I have been maintaining without meaning to between 167-172 most of that time. I am tracking around the same calories as before between 1700-1800 but it doesn’t feel as easy and the weight doesn’t seem to budge. I wondered if you had some advice on how to tighten my tracking as I’m probably underestimating by quite a bit. Even though I have a desk job I do 3 spin classes a week and 1-2 short strength classes. Going down any additional calories would be difficult as I have struggled to stay in this range while trying to exercise. Do you have anything you can recommend? I don’t have a habit of weighing and measuring and I don’t know that I could do it long term. I don’t need to get back to the 150 range but would like to just feel a bit more comfortable in my clothes.

Sunday check in

I would like to keep better data and wondered if you could explain what and how you track and review your habits on a weekly basis? Do you use a particular spreadsheet design? If this has already been covered somewhere else, please let me know. Thanks!

I have been following HSM since December and lost 20 pounds, 5 more to go but am now pausing for a maintenance trial for two weeks. I am wondering do I work on keeping it at 150 ( my weight ) or does it make more sense to maintain within a pound or 2 give or take and more importantly, do I add up my calories for the day as I go or wait until the next day after I do the paper/pencil task. I am 70yo. - never tried this way of weight loss/management. I really want to learn maintenance for the long haul.

Continuing to Lose After Ending Weight Loss Injections

Hi Heather, I just completed an 8 month journey on weight loss injections. I had lost almost 40 lbs, but I had a falling out with my provider over some concerns about my blood work. I wasn’t planning on being on them for the long term due to cost, so I’m ok to have stopped. My concern now is that the food noise is starting to come back as well as the fearful thoughts I have over the possibility of gaining it back. I did meet with a dietitian and have established a calorie goal and some other goals around healthier eating habits. I’ve also addressed this in counseling. I just have always had trouble sticking with a plan and am concerned about slipping back into old habits. I know this is probably a problem with my thoughts and was wondering if you have any resources or podcast episodes that may be helpful as I move forward. I have considered joining the Academy, but again am fearful it would be one more thing I start and don’t use. I have really enjoyed listening to your podcast as I have started to navigate this next leg of my journey. Thanks so much! -Kelly

I can’t Decide What I Want to Eat

I paper/pencil plan every morning- and track my calories- I am in maintenance at around 135 - I have been lower in my life but this weight keeps me at a happy medium sized 8/10. My problem is I can no seem to decide what I want to eat when I’m planning- At 5am - All I want is coffee- nothing sounds good - When I get hungry at 7am - Then I can decide- I have written down 12 different breakfast options to choose from - most are definitely healthier options and fit into my goals Lunch on work days is very easy- I prep - but weekends… same - I usually have no clue in the morning what I’m going to want (I live alone) - It could be just cheese and crackers- or a can of tuna with Avocado- Or I could pick up something if I’m out Dinners - same problem- I try to have stuff on hand - frozen meals- bag veggies - I’m tired and not going to cook - I can pick up something- and that can be 2 meals -(Longhorns pork chops are 3 meals) I want to follow this plan - but how do I decide?

Hunger and fullness versus calorie counting

Hi Heather, thank you so much for your advice and the opportunity to speak to you, this helped a lot! Now I find myself confronted with another dilemma. I first worked on my binge eating and emotional eating for 14 years before I started with a calorie limit again one year ago. The thing is, the limit turns into a target and I tend to eat all the calories even if I am not hungry anymore. Relying only on hunger and fullness helped to maintain but not for weight loss, but having a calorie number seems to outweigh the bodily cues, I guess this is a mind thing. I would like to combine the both, to have a limit to promote weight loss and to pay attention to my body and not eat more just because I can. I don’t seem to find a solution to this, any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you, Candida

+ 122 more questions for subscribers