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1400 maintenance 1200 deficit?

I read many places, like on Yoni Friedhof's calculator for example, or have heard on the HSM podcast, that 1200 calories is "restrictive", and I do find it so. But at age 76, 5'4", is it possible that my calories to lose are really that low? I am having trouble getting down that low. Any suggestions?

Calorie deficit for the Gastric Bypass Folks

Hi Heather, I have heard you several times address Gastric Bypass folks and I am 1.5 years out from surgery…lost weight from 268 to 163. Over the last 6-7 months have slowly crept back up to 175 (regain is a HUGE problem for WLS people). I have been experimenting with maintenance calories and caloric deficit…so have given myself the grace you teach us all to have. I so wish I knew of your amazing podcast before my surgery, but what’s done is done. So wondering if you might be able to throw us gastric bypass gals (there’s a lot of us) some of your all knowing expertise on how to get that protein in each day without exceeding our very low daily caloric intake. How to not listen to the lower brain when the FEAR of regain is looming and it’s so loud! Just feeling confused and overwhelmed and really would appreciate any resources or your amazing common sensical thoughts on how to be consistent…love your show and so admire your passion to help! Pam

I eat to please other people

Hi Heather, I love your podcast, and I'm so happy to have found this community. I've been losing and gaining the same 10 to 15 pounds since I was in my late 20's. Soon, I will be 60 and I am struggling again with a recent weight gain of 12 pounds. The thing is, I eat to please other people. A lot of people I know are overweight, and they want us all to be overweight together. It sounds so silly, but it's true. I feel almost embarrassed when I lose weight, and yet I keep doing it because I don't like how my clothes feel when I'm on the heavier side. My tops ride up and my pants dig in, and my feet and knees hurt when I walk. I don't talk about my weight, but I find when I am slim everyone else does. Ultimately, I end up eating along with them, because it makes them happy. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to react when they talk about my weight, because I feel so self-conscious. I just want to be the weight I want to be without being a spectacle and topic of conversation. Have you any advice for me? Thanks.

PTSD, Hashimoto’s and Set Point

Hi Heather! I am new to your podcast and want to let you know that you have given me hope again! In 2018, I was diagnosed with PTSD from childhood trauma. In 2016, I had run a full marathon, was two years postpartum of my second child, no longer teaching full time, and 155 lbs. I had put on some 15 pounds with a stressful, cross country move, doctor’s orders to not run (SI joint was out) and the sudden passing of my father-in-law to pancreatic cancer. I was stressed and in the trenches of early motherhood, but when I found myself no longer functioning physically (ovaries weren’t producing eggs despite no history of early menopause) I was finally relieved to know something was “off”. Thankfully my OBGYN sent me to see the endocrinologist to check my thyroid levels and establish care in my new state. I have had hypothyroidism for 20 years now. The endocrinologist knew within 5 minutes what was causing my pre-menopausal symptoms. He asked me some questions about the stress, my childhood, and told me that PTSD was the culprit. When I started gaining weight though still working out even highering trainers before the diagnosis, I knew the childhood trauma was catching up to me. Something I knew I needed to seek out counseling for but hadn’t yet. I was in peak cardio shape. I have a low resting heart rate and enjoy the stress relief of a good sweat fest! Unfortunately, despite me going to counseling, I kept gaining weight-ten pounds in a couple months. The 5 Stages of Grief were horrific on me. In July 2019, I decided return to running again with the guidance of my physical therapist, and sign up for a half-marathon. I was now 180 lbs. Then Murphy hit! I fell running in Glacier National Park and had two major surgeries to my left hand in August and December 2019 to repair a broken hand, 2 blown tendons and ”fix” a genetically too-long of ulna. Obviously this was only months before the Covid pandemic would roar its ugly head. I had another checkin with my endocrinologist in April 2020 and I was devastated when he told me about “set point” and the idea that my body may be at a 50 lbs gain. In November 2020, we’ve moved back to our original state and I’ve been following a workout routine since January that seems to be helping me mentally and physically despite my arm debacle. I’ve signed up for a 8K in March with a lady who recommended your podcast for weightloss. I now have hope that I can loose the weight, regain a healthy body image, and be the mom my children should have as a healthy role model! So here are my questions… 1. Does set point matter? 2. How will my PTSD symptoms affect my weight-loss goals now? I’m just getting to the difficult trauma counseling. 3. What can I do to help me see this through and do the actual work of counting calories and saying no to my Lower Brain? FYI In 2003 while in college after my thyroid issues and the “Freshman 15” was my 30 lbs weight gain, I was successful at losing all the weight and maintained it for 12 years even after two pregnancies. I’m 5’6” and weighed 130-140 lbs. I tried to restart with WW last year (since at the end of March, I’ll be turning 40) with high hopes and I couldn’t get into it with their new ways and 0 point items. I like that you stress getting control of your thinking about food and not having “bad” food. I really don’t even like to eat, food doesn’t really give me pleasure though I do find comfort in sweets, ice cream, cake, etc if I crave anything. These are the food items that we rarely got as children growing up poor and only binging when they did make an appearance. 4. What are some good sources of protein for someone who is Lactose intolerant, doesn’t like red meat, and just doesn’t like to eat despite the scale? Currently I weigh 206 lbs. I need to figure out my calories deficit number still. I believe 140-150 lbs would be a good range for me as an athlete/runner. Thank you! Thank you for all that you do and for the inspiration!!! I now know I can do this!!!

Time is running out!!!

Hi Heather I'm feeling frustrated because I'm maintaining at a weight that won't allow me to fit into my clothes and because this process is so slow even if I'm around for 10 more years the clothes will be out of style. I'm having a hard time accepting this weight. My life style has changed so much. I'm also taking care of my 100 year old brother who plans on lasting to 110. Otherwise I'm usually a happy person. Any suggestions? I'm 80.