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Portioning treats vs. Grabbing them throughout the day

Dark Mint Truffle Hershey Kisses are my favorites! They are only out at Christmastime, so I tend to grab a few bags and savor them for months after the holidays are over. I work from home and keep the stash in my desk drawer. There's just enough mint that I can't eat too many of them before the flavor gets too strong, so I don't ever REALLY overdo it. I have noticed that if I intentionally portion a serving (7 kisses) and put them on my desk, I rarely eat all of them. On the other hand, if I just reach in my drawer to grab 2 here and there throughout the day, I'll often eat more than a serving. Do you have an idea as to why that is? Thank you for everything you do to support your community, and those of us looking to make our lives better! Andrea

Gaining weight Fast

Hi Heather, I was just wondering if you would tell me why when you lose weight and it takes so long to get it off, why does it come back on so incredibly fast? It took me 1 year to lose 92 pounds and now I have put back on 51 pounds in 3 months due to bingeing and overeating. There is no one in my area that deals with binge eating. You had told me on my last question to get professional help. Unfortunately my family dr & endocrinologist said there is nothing around here for that. Only for anorexia and bulimia. So I’m just wondering why it comes back on so fast. I can’t stop or control it. And I’ve tried to find help. I guess there is no help for some of us. Just wishing I could be normal where food is concerned. No one understands around me. Heck I don’t understand. I hate this. Thank you again for everything you do for everyone.

Lose without tracking?

Hello Heather.. You have talked about the $2 plan- notebook and pen— the one where I would draw a line in the middle of paper and then write my food plan on the left and check off the food I eat on the write. Also I would write what I eat and didn’t plan on the right. Is this plan for lose weight or for trying to control binge eating? Please explain further if or how to use this writing plan for losing weight. Thank you. Kathy

Maintenance Approaching

Hi Heather! I have lost 77lbs listening to you and working with a nutritionist. I am almost at my goal weight range and starting to think about maintenance. I have taken a few maintenance breaks during vacations but any books or videos to watch on how to transition from weight loss to maintaining would be great! Thank you for all you do! Megan

strength training

Hi, I can no longer use weights or strain my right arm/shoulders due to a pinched nerve which has weakened my right upper side, can/should I just use weights & similar on my left side only? will that still benefit me? Thank you so much for all you do, that is always a great benefit. Eva L