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Dr wants quick weight loss due to health

Heather, Thank you so much for all that you do for those of us who struggle with our weight/food. You help me make sense of all the lower brain chatter and just how powerful it can be. I recently went to my cardiologist. He is very concerned for my heart health. He wants me to lose 10% of my body weight 24.5 pounds before my next visit in December. My mind shut down, how can I do this without turning around and gaining it all back. I would still need to lose over 100 pounds to improve my health. I am just unsure how to move forward with this information. He did not give me any guidance other than eat less and move more. I am not sure how to move forward and am in fear for my health. Do you have any recommendations on how to go about doing this, when I have been in the mindset of going slowly and attainable Thanks, Molly

Where do you even start?

Hi Heather. First, thank you for what you do and thank you to all the guests who have shared their stories. They are so inspiring and help me realize that success is possible. I am 33 and have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. I think I have a problem feeling satiated when I am eating, even if I know that I'm no longer hungry. I had success with weight watchers as a young adult and I even counted macros and was dedicated to my workout back in 2016. It never really stuck though. I currently have an 18 month old and am as heavy as I was right before I had my son, a whopping 265 lbs. My husband is in medical school and I work full time. I keep telling myself to just get started and make my health a priority, but I have no idea how to start and make this manageable for myself? Can you help me?

Exercise calories

I log my calories every day I weigh and measure. So I am pretty accurate . My question is when maintaining on 1750 calories would you eat your exercise calories or some of them. Thank you

Feeling compelled to EAT THE WHOLE CONTAINER of... whatever

Hi Heather! In Karolina's 8th Coaching Call, Karolina described how she scooped a single portion of ice cream into a bowl with strawberries and put the rest of the ice cream container back in the freezer. She was feeling great about herself! But then her lower brain kicked in, saying "Oh you need to finish it, you need to finish it, you need to finish it", and she finally gave in to her lower brain and ate the rest of the ice cream container. As she was eating the rest of the container, she noticed that she wasn't eating it for the flavor, and she wasn't eating it because she was enjoying it .... she just felt so compelled to FINISH IT. It was an old habit loop that she fell into, where she quote-unquote "needed" to finish whatever she was having. My question is this: My lower brain tricks me into believing that same message sometimes, too. How would you suggest I deal with those thoughts the next time my lower brain tries to convince me that, "You just need to FINISH IT !!!"??? --Elle in Ontario, Canada

Plateau at 6 lbs?

Hello Heather and thank you for helping me out through your words of wisdom. I have been following your program and seriously trying to lose weight since August 28. Now, after almost 2 1/2 months, I am plateaued at 6 lb loss. I use happy scale and I see the same 1-2 lbs go back and forth. I see my calories have gone up a bit from 1900 to 2100. I aim to walk 8,000 steps a day and get that done at least 5/7 days a week. Besides aiming to keep at 1900 Calories and target 8,000 steps every day, is there any other advice you can give me to boost my loss?