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I‘m angry that my maintenance/weight loss calories are so low

Hi Heather, I really love your podcast and just subscribed. Especially because you talk numbers and give so many examples which doesn’t happen a lot in other resources. I lost weight slowly with 1400 calories per day ( I am 5.5 feet and weight currently 185,2, lost 30 lbs in 11 months. I had some trouble sticking to those calories for so long and according to all the calculators I should be able to eat more and still lose but eating an average of 1600 for 40 days resulted in 0 weight loss and it should have been 4 lbs according to the calculator. I walk every day an hour and do some strength training and I guess putting this into the calculation mislead it, or other I don’t burn calories with movement? My wish is to get to a sustainable calorie amount for weight loss (goal around 150 lbs) and really know it works because not being sure sends me in a spiral wanting to give up. Maybe you have an advice. Thank you

Weight loss drugs

Hi Heather. I have made a significant (80+pounds) for 17 years. I struggle with dieting for 25 years prior to that trying countless diets. It was not until I made eating/movement a lifestyle that I was able to keep the weight off. With the popularity of weight loss drugs, it seems that weight loss has become “effortless”. I know that people need to stay on these drugs for the rest of their lives to keep weight off. It just makes more sense to learn to eat healthier and exercise. I understand the drugs are miraculous for diabetes. Maybe they are a tool but I don’t think they are in the complete answer for sustainable weight loss. I was curious what your thoughts are regarding weight loss drugs? I have been waiting for you to give an opinion. Thanks!

intermittent fasting

Do you think intermittent fasting is just a way to eat less calories in your day, or does the fasting process actually do something in your body that causes weight loss? For example, if a person was eating 1500 calories to lose weight, if Person A ate 1500 calories over 3 meals and snacks spread throughout the day and Person B ate 1500 calories by fasting 16 hours and just eating in an 8 hour window, but still took in 1500 calories, would there be a difference in weight loss between the two people? Or is the hope that a person on 1500 calories doing intermittent fasting will eat less than that 1500 calories in that 8 hour time frame, thereby losing weight because the fasting window caused them to take in less calories than they would have if they ate 3 meals per day?

Weight loss while grieving?

Hello Heather, Nine months ago my husband died unexpectedly. I had lost 40 pounds prior to that but once that happened I put the weight back on over a period of 6 months. I’m feeling like I’m slowly doing better mentally although there are still tough times. Recently I had a friend refer me to your podcast. I’ve been enjoying listening and learning a new way to change my habits instead of going on a restricted diet which is what I’ve done in the past. So far I’ve lost 8 pounds and I wanted to see if you have any tips or helpful advice. This type of weight loss is new to me and I’m wanting to lose weight because I know I’ll feel better for my two little girls when the weight is off but at the same time I’m also stressed about other things so I don’t want to put pressure or stress on myself by setting too high expectations. I have a total of 50 pounds I’d like to lose. Thank you for your time, Jeannie

Struggling with PPJ consistency

Hi Heather, Love your content. I am in the Academy and am a podcast premium subscriber. I have completed the "Break the Diet Cycle" and the "Time management" courses and have adopted many beneficial habits. Yay me! I still really struggle with consistently pre-planning my day and then reviewing my journal at the end of the day (I guess you can't really review something you never did lol). I try to get up at 5:30am and I start by walking my dog and then doing a beach body workout (Mon-Fri). I do struggle to not snooze and I struggle with sleeping through the night so getting up on time or earlier is hard. I was trying to plan my day between my walk and workout. My kids usually wake at 7am and have to be to school by 9am so after 7 things are very hectic and then the PPJ slips away most days. Could you share some ideas on how I could manage this? I will have further challenges once my job picks back up, but until September I will be able to maintain this routine aside from vacations. Thank you for all you do! Melissa